Being v Doing, how do we need to "be" as leaders right now. Consider where you put your attention, how you show up and the impact you have in work & life. Reflect on what "being" better looks like as a leader. Bite size reflections to enable you to hone how you want to be as a leader, increase your impact and improve the relationships, teams and systems around you. Hosted by leadership team coach Annabel Graham, with or without others. Find out more at www.successfultraining.co.uk

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
#20 On Intention
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Sick of goals and the annual New Year's action list? Feeling you've lost focus with the impact of the pandemic and ever shifting landscape we live in?
If so, join me for a short journey to view things a different way, and explore your intention.
#intention, #purpose #leadership #reflection

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
#19 On Mindfulness - with Christoph Spiessens
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Did you know our minds are only present 50% of the time? If so, how do you access the intersection between spirituality, mindfulness and wellbeing, to really be present.
My final guest of 2020 is Christoph Spiessens, Mindfulness coach and Insight timer app trainer. Join us on this episode where we discuss:
- Recognising patterns and unlearning
- checking in with "what is"
- Doing mode v being mode
- Self compassion and mirror neurons and much, much more
As we countdown to the holidays, listen for tips of how to access the breathing space between you and your thoughts. (I love that description!!)
You can connect with us via:
Instagram: @the_beingleader
#mindfulness #coaching #presence #reflection #leadership

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
#18 on accountability and results
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Accountability - the willingness to accept responsibility for our own actions. How often do we actually do this, and why is it so vital within healthy, performing teams.
In this episode we explore why this is important to enable a results focus and look at how this contributes to a performing team. Take time to reflect on where your team is at, how much you really embody accountability and review the steps you need to take to get your team there.
#leadership #coaching #results #teams
Connect with me at: www.successfultraining.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
Twitter: @mgmttrainer
Instagram: @the_beingleader

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
#17 On conflict and commitment
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
How much conflict do you have in your team? None? All fine? or it's just a vipers nest of passive aggressive bitching? In this episode I discuss 2 of the 5 behaviours we need to enable high performance in teams, and explore:
- Why we avoid Conflict
- Why we should have more of it to make better decisions
- and why conflict actually results in us getting better results
You can learn more and connect with me via:
Website: www.successfultraining.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
Twitter: @mgmttrainer
Instagram: @thebeing_leader
#conflict #leadership #highperformance #teams #decisions

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
#16 On Being busy v Being Useful - with Jos Burton
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Which would you rather be, busy or useful? In this podcast Author, facilitator and coach Jos Burton and I discuss the current malaise of needing to be busy v knowing our value and being useful.
We discuss useful v helpful, being curious, protestent work ethic and the value of work, what future work may be like, smart work v good work and what we need to be doing to really Be Useful.
Loved this episode!!
Connect with Jos here https://www.linkedin.com/in/josburton/
Connect with Annabel here https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
www.successfultraining.co.uk @mgmttrainer @thebeing_leader
#leadership #coaching #futureofwork #beuseful

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
#15 on the outdoors
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
How often have you had a bright idea when out walking the dog, or running/walking? That's the power of harnessing the outdoors as a development space. In this episode I talk all things outdoors, walking and coaching with Claire Bradshaw, executive coach and host of podcast The Outdoor Coach.
Expect to explore the outdoors, the power of Street Wisdom, Soft fascination, shifting perspectives, building metaphors and getting out of our heads and into our bodies.
#coaching #reflection #podcasting #leadershipdevelopment
Connect with us at:
Annabel: www.successfultraining.co.uk , https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
Claire: https://www.clairembradshaw.co.uk/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/clairembradshaw/

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
#14 On Trust
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
What exactly is trust and why is it so essential to our relationships, to making our teams work effectively and to doing business with our customers?
In this episode I'll explore what is at the heart of trust, and not trust we build over time because I know you, psychological trust where I feel safe sharing information with you.
Ask yourself:
- Are you role modelling great trustworthy behaviours, acting with integrity and demonstrating how you want your team to behave?
- Are you setting expectations with them and being honest in how you want them, you and the team to interact
- Are you creating an environment of psychological safety where people can ask for help, speak out and challenge without fear of recrimination
- Do you enable your team members to challenge each other and hold each other to account?
- Do you trust your team to deliver on your behalf without your intervention?
All this and more.
To find out more about how I work with teams on trust you can go to www.successfultraining.co.uk, https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/; @thebeing_leader, @mgmttrainer
#trust #highperformingteams #leadership #coaching

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
#13 On Resilience - with Sarah Jones
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Resilience and mental health has never been more at the forefront of how we work than in 2020. In this episode Sarah Jones and I explore how resilience impacts us as leaders, and how we can become more resilient by noticing what is going on for ourselves, our family & friends, our colleagues and teams.
Expect to learn about how to have compassionate conversations, what makes a resilient leader, how we can make our teams more resilient, and how our resilience reservoir and coping strategies are key to supporting our wellbeing. So much in this episode!
Find out more about Sarah Jones at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-jones-58936a2b/
Connect with me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/ and www.successfultraining.co.uk
#resilience #mentalhealth #wellbeing #leadership

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
#12: the expectations conversation
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Time and again I speak to people in organisations and when they tell me it's all a bit tense between them and their line manager/team member, or that there are crossed wires; I ask the same question: "have you had the expectations conversation, where you both agree what you expect of each other and how you'll work together?".
And what do you think the answer is? No!
In this bitesize edition, find out what the expectations conversation is, why you need to have it as a leader, team member, peer or supplier and what the key elements are that you need to ask.
Read the blog and find out more at www.successfultraining.co.uk; https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/; @mgmttrainer, @thebeing_leader.
#leadership #coaching #expectations #conversations

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
#11: On dispersed teams
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
As it hits September and the kids head back to school, there also seems to be a back to work feel and the climate in which we are all now working is very different. Despite the change in the environment, many of those challenges that teams face will still exist, so I want to start looking dispersed teams and how we can lead them more effectively.
In this episode we will look at the 7 steps that will help you enable your teams to work in this dispersed environment in a better way. And these are are a must do, not a nice to do.
What exists for your team, and what doesn’t – as you need to fix that, and fast!
Expect to find out more about the following 7 steps:
1. Clarify team purpose
2. Clear outcomes and goals
3. Team roles
4. Team Behaviours
5. Regular communication
6. Be accountable
7. Hold each other to account.
Find out more at www.successfultraining.co.uk; Instagram @thebeing_leader, Twitter @mgmttrainer; https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
#leadership #teambuilding #leadershipdevelopment #teamcoaching