Being v Doing, how do we need to "be" as leaders right now. Consider where you put your attention, how you show up and the impact you have in work & life. Reflect on what "being" better looks like as a leader. Bite size reflections to enable you to hone how you want to be as a leader, increase your impact and improve the relationships, teams and systems around you. Hosted by leadership team coach Annabel Graham, with or without others. Find out more at www.successfultraining.co.uk
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
#25 On Culture - it starts with us!
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
What is culture, and why should we as leaders pay attention to it? Delivering strategy and getting things done on the action plan is far more important right? Well maybe – but let’s think about it for a minute.
In this episode - there are no fancy models, instead we cut to the heart of culture - how we do things around here. And that starts with us - how we show up as leaders. So listen to hear the questions we need to be asking ourselves and our teams to enable the right behaviours which will allow us to deliver our vision.
Time to look in the mirror!
Want to find out more? you can connect with me me on:
- www.successfultraining.co.uk
- @the_beingleader
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
Monday Mar 08, 2021
#24 On the leader we need to become
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Who do you need to become as a leader who can navigate that cusp between the technological age and the information age? What does that mean for those of us who are leaders, and who will develop leaders ? What challenges are we facing in the now which will absolutely be different in the future and what does that mean for the leader we need to become?
In this episode we look at the current reality, the future and what this means for our skills through 3 lenses: as individuals, with our teams or organisation, and with the wider systems which impact our environment, both physically, and ecologically.
Some of the resources I reference are below:
- https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/services/people-organisation/publications/workforce-of-the-future.html
- https://www.futureagenda.org/
- David Attenborough - A life on our planet
- Yuval Harari - Homo Deus
You can find out more about what I do as a coach & facilitator at www.successfultraining.co.uk and https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
#leadership #futureagenda #futureofleadership #coaching #systemsthinking #teams
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
#23 On Creating Alignment
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Have you got a strategy in place in your organisation?
Have you taken that strategy and communicated it to your direct reports and then all the levels below you?
Have you aligned the department and team objectives back to that strategy so that it links in and delivers business goals at their functional level?
Have your direct reports then cascaded it down to the level below to make sure their departments deliver them and deliver your corporate goal?
Have you answered yes to everything so far? Really….? honestly…..?
If not - then you are like many organisations - so this podcast is for you and will help you think about how to do it. And if you are a small business owner, it's relevant too as you need to have all those who support your business aligned with you too!
So listen to hear about the steps: Vision, Incentive, Capabilities, resources, execution and reflection.
#leadership #strategy #goal setting #coaching #development
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
#22 On Decisions - with Giorgia Prestento
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
So how are your team at making decisions? Dominated by the leader? Irrational and a bit random? Revisit them again and again? Or never make them?
The behavioural science of decision making is challenged by social pressure cascade effect, low information and more. How then can we ensure as leaders we enable our teams to decide?
In this wide ranging episode Giorgia Prestento and I explore this and more, and recognise the importance of having good information, governance, and group dynamics to make good and effective decisions.
#decisions #leadership #behaviour #teamdynamics #coaching #highperformance
You can connect with me at www.successfultraining.co.uk, https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
You can connect with Giorgia at https://www.linkedin.com/in/giorgiaprestento/ , https://www.giorgiaprestento.com/
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
#21 On Choice - with Preeta Cooley
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
We started the year thinking about intention, and our first dialogue takes us a bit further. In this episode Preeta Cooley of DeNovo Performance and I discuss choice.
Does choice exist, and what challenges us & makes us think we don't have choice? From existentialist theory to diary management, from Frankl to Jack Canfield & Henry Ford this episode takes us across a wide range of views and thoughts on choice, culminating in 3 key themes:
- How do we create space to notice?
- How increasing our self awareness can enable free will and our ability to choose
- How embracing possibility and diversity of views can open our eyes and mindsets to new thinking and better options.
Got you thinking? Well we hope you enjoy it, and if you do, subscribe on whatever platform to check out the interview with Giorgia Prestento on the behavioural science of decisions which is due out next month.
Two cracking episodes!
#choice #mindset #leadership #coaching #decisions
You can connect with me at www.successfultraining.co.uk, @the_beingleader, https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
you can connect with Preeta here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/preetacooley/
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
#20 On Intention
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Sick of goals and the annual New Year's action list? Feeling you've lost focus with the impact of the pandemic and ever shifting landscape we live in?
If so, join me for a short journey to view things a different way, and explore your intention.
#intention, #purpose #leadership #reflection
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
#19 On Mindfulness - with Christoph Spiessens
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Did you know our minds are only present 50% of the time? If so, how do you access the intersection between spirituality, mindfulness and wellbeing, to really be present.
My final guest of 2020 is Christoph Spiessens, Mindfulness coach and Insight timer app trainer. Join us on this episode where we discuss:
- Recognising patterns and unlearning
- checking in with "what is"
- Doing mode v being mode
- Self compassion and mirror neurons and much, much more
As we countdown to the holidays, listen for tips of how to access the breathing space between you and your thoughts. (I love that description!!)
You can connect with us via:
Instagram: @the_beingleader
#mindfulness #coaching #presence #reflection #leadership
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
#18 on accountability and results
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Accountability - the willingness to accept responsibility for our own actions. How often do we actually do this, and why is it so vital within healthy, performing teams.
In this episode we explore why this is important to enable a results focus and look at how this contributes to a performing team. Take time to reflect on where your team is at, how much you really embody accountability and review the steps you need to take to get your team there.
#leadership #coaching #results #teams
Connect with me at: www.successfultraining.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
Twitter: @mgmttrainer
Instagram: @the_beingleader
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
#17 On conflict and commitment
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
How much conflict do you have in your team? None? All fine? or it's just a vipers nest of passive aggressive bitching? In this episode I discuss 2 of the 5 behaviours we need to enable high performance in teams, and explore:
- Why we avoid Conflict
- Why we should have more of it to make better decisions
- and why conflict actually results in us getting better results
You can learn more and connect with me via:
Website: www.successfultraining.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
Twitter: @mgmttrainer
Instagram: @thebeing_leader
#conflict #leadership #highperformance #teams #decisions
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
#16 On Being busy v Being Useful - with Jos Burton
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Which would you rather be, busy or useful? In this podcast Author, facilitator and coach Jos Burton and I discuss the current malaise of needing to be busy v knowing our value and being useful.
We discuss useful v helpful, being curious, protestent work ethic and the value of work, what future work may be like, smart work v good work and what we need to be doing to really Be Useful.
Loved this episode!!
Connect with Jos here https://www.linkedin.com/in/josburton/
Connect with Annabel here https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabelgraham-coach-trainer/
www.successfultraining.co.uk @mgmttrainer @thebeing_leader
#leadership #coaching #futureofwork #beuseful